Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Life As A Younger Brother

I got this pic today while Maw Maw and Jean Paul where sitting in the car waiting for sister to finish her dancing class!  I couldn’t help but giggle as I looked at my precious baby boys genuine smile!  I mean how can your day be any better than with Maw Maw and I’m sure over a hundred toys and snacks in one car for an hour just the two of you!  It made me think back to when my poor brother had to get drug everywhere while I did every single after school activity that I could convince my parents to let me join.  My Mom and Brother still bring up the “poor Robert” stories about how he had to tag along for everything I did!  Well here is the proof that the life of being the younger Brother ain’t that bad lol!!!!!!  Shoot now that we are always so busy I would actually pay for one on one time with my Mom if I could get it lol.  I feel guilty most days when I can’t be the Mom that has a work schedule that allows her to be the “soccer mom” at this time but when I see a smile like this then at least I know I’m doing something right by asking Maw Maw for help right?

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