Thursday, January 18, 2018

Louisiana Sneaux Days

Sadly even though the ice still sits outside here in Louisiana we had to return to daycare and work today in the Bergeron family.  Would of killed for one more day inside with my little family but I need to just be happy we even got one lol.  So crazy to look outside and see white and I know that we won't see it for a long time...possibly years again!  We have been blessed twice this winter with what we would call a Winter Wonderland lol.  My kids really do not understand the rarity of what happened this season.  So much so that Leighton has made up her own rule for snow days.  Tuesday when we got the call that we needed to pick the kids up before the roads got to bad it just so happened to be at nap time. Well to Leighton she thought getting to skip nap at school was just the greatest thing that has ever happened to her.  It was so cute to hear her explain what happened on Snow Day in THE SCOTT, LOUISIANA LOL!  So this morning when it was time to get back to routine she was a little upset, but to lift her spirits she came up with a new rule that she still can not believe I said ok to!  So Leighton has decided that every time it snows outside that she gets to skip a nap that day!  I barely could keep from busting out laughing, UMMMMM well that is a great rule I told her.  Poor thing is so excited and has no idea that she may not see snow again for a very long time.  But I didn't dare tell her that lol.  It reminded me of a rule I made up as a child that my parents still find hilarious.  They said that I was so proud one year on my birthday to be older that I declared I should be able to add one minute later to my bed time each year on my birthday.  Naturally my parents agreed without telling me that truly wouldn't be much more time up lol.  So after hearing Leighton's rule I think I felt what they have been describing feeling when I so proudly made up that rule years ago.  Can't help but laugh and also can't help but notice how truly innocent their little minds are at this age.  So the Bergeron's will be having naps on all days that it does not snow and no naps on the days it does snow!!  Yep sounds great to me!!!!

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