Saturday, January 20, 2018

Oh My Jean Paul

Oh my Jean Paul how you wear me out!!  From sun up to sun down this little boy can go from the sweetest, most loveable and cuddly little boy to the baddest, most stubborn and hard headed little boy!  It’s fair to say he has more than rocked my world!  He has made me learn real quick that things can not always be planned out on a schedule!  His noise level is way above anything that should be used in doors and his temper is far greater than a 1 year old should own.  He will defy you while he stares you in the face as you are repeating “No Jean Paul!”  And don’t think you can fool him by trying to distract him from something he wants cause just when you thought no child could repeat the same thing anymore after 1000 times, he takes a deep breath and multiples 1000 by 10 and keeps on going!  Our boy can give you a look that can make a grown adult question themselves or back down, but he can also melt your heart with another look 2 seconds later.  His personality is beyond colorful in so many ways that usually keeps use laughing at him constantly!  Not only does he sit in time out most of the day, he also feels he has the authority to put me in time out and he now puts himself in timeout before I even have too.  And no it’s not cause he is a good boy doing what he is told it is because he would rather the punishment over stopping whatever he is being told not to do lol!  I can’t wait to see how this little boy will challenge me through the years because his pure sweet heart is far worth all the grey hair he has already given me!

  How can this precious face wake with such fire in his blood!!!  I know he will move mountains and change things for the better in this world because he has already done that for me in more than a million ways!!  Stay true to who you are always Jean Paul Vincent.... just give Mommy a little break every now and then please!

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