Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Asking Bubba To Be With us Tomorrow

Tomorrow is a big day for us!  We know God and our sweet Braxton will protect us in which ever way we head.  But like normal I always tend to worry even when things are well beyond my control.  Today I got a picture from my Mom saying she made a special visit to her lil man to ask him to remind Mommy that God has a plan for us always!  The moment I clicked on my text messages and saw this pic my eyes instantly filled with tears.  I took a deep breath and immediately felt better.  There are so many things in life that I forget to hand over to God.  Of all people you would think me; an Angel Mom, should know by now that I am not in control.  I wish daily that things could be different when it comes to my sweet Braxton, but I am also thankful every single day for the special blessing Braxton is to my family.  He is the last thing I see in my prayers every single night before I close my eyes and he is the first thing I think of as my eyes open each morning.  I selfishly hope his sweet cry will be what wakes me for just one morning, but I know that will not happen.  So that is where the pain and heartache creeps in and I ask him for his strength.  Because with even an ounce of his strength I can conquer the world.  But tomorrow as we wait for the calls to learn where his siblings will go to learn and grow in their Catholic Education I am begging him for more than strength I am asking him for acceptance.  For me, their Mommy, to accept with an open heart Gods plan for his sister and brother as we begin a new chapter of our journey.  A journey I know our Braxton is guiding every step of the way!

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