Saturday, July 22, 2017

Always On The Go

So why did I ever think that once we had kids we would slow down?  Did I dream that or did I hear that?  Cause that is the farthest thing from the truth phew!  Brent and I have always been people on the go, but that's easier when you only have to worry about yourself lol.  Now I feel like I live with multiple bags packed in my car or on my counter top.  Some from past events I haven't gotten to unpack yet and some just waiting for me to repack and run out the door.  If it's to run to the store or to a party we have to bring bags..... lots of bags!  Diapers, wipes, snacks and don't forget the change of clothes or you will be sorry.  I didn't pack Jean Paul an extra set one day recently because I was like he is getting a little older and I rarely use them anymore, well guess who had a major explosion that day with nothing extra to put on.  It never fails the day you do not pack it that is the day you will need them lol.  Forever I packed Leighton an extra pair of panties..... Just in case.  I never used them once.  And now that she is completely potty trained for over a year now I stopped.  Well guess who had an accident (and not #1) that day??  Yep she went the rest of the afternoon with just her shorts cause I decided to NOT PACK THE BAG COMPLETELY!!!!!  Well today we left our house at 8:30 AM and pulled back into the driveway at 6:00 PM so you can imagine the bags that we needed to have for a full day excursion!!!  Plus I'm still racking my brain trying to figure out when we will slow down.  

This was Saturday's Itinerary:

8:30 AM - Pull out the driveway with both kids:
                  1) Jean Paul in comfy clothes headed to Maw Maw's because my husband works   
                       two jobs and seems to neverrrr be home lol!  (Thankful for all he does for us)
                   2) Leighton dressed in her pretty party dress to come to a shower with me.

9:15AM - Jean Paul is dropped at Maw Maw & Pepa's and Leighton and I head to Target for 
                  the party platter and 2 gifts we need for the day.  I mean why not wait till the 
                  morning of the actual events right?  That's normal huh?  No one really has time 
                  to get all that stuff in advance, that would be absurd.  

10:15 AM - Leighton & I are now leaving Target $100 later.  Again how does that happen?  I  
                 went in for 3 things, ughhhhhh every time I mean every single time y'all!!! Lol. This 
                 part of the schedule would not of taken this long if my partner in crime would of 
                 been a tad bit more cooperative.  But we survived.

10:45 AM - Rolled up to a wedding shower with my high school girlfriends that started at
                10:30 AM oops.  But hey I was not the last one to arrive so I claim that as a small
                 victory in my book lol.

12:45 PM - Leave the first party and head to Breaux Bridge for the second party of the day.            
                Since the party is for my cousins little girl my Mom is meeting me here with Jean
                Paul.  And of course I can't just make things simple for me or her so I packed a 
                change of clothes for her to change him into for the party and packed myself a 
                new outfit to change Leighton into so they can coordinate.  They have to 
                coordinate don't they???  How would I live with myself in a few years when they 
                are to old for that and I look back at pictures and I totally missed the opportunity to
                do that LMAO!  So Leighton is nodding off literally 1 mile before we drive up so I 
                am singing at the top of my lungs to keep her up so she doesn't get a 2 minute
                nap, which will only make it worse for everyone at the party.  Pull in on two wheels
                at only 21 minutes past the start of the party this time.  Throw her on my lap
                and change her outfit and bow and BAM we are ready!  The bow has to match or it
                would be a total failure on my part hands down.  I might as well not even change
                her outfit to coordinate with her brother if I forget the bow lol.

5:30 PM - Since it was a family party we stayed and hung out for the afternoon.  Which 
               means the kids had a blast but are exhausted and so am I.  So we load up and
               head home to wait for Daddy to get off work. 

6:00 PM - I pull into my driveway and turn around to see this.

So today involved 3 bags to pack for the day with 4 outfits, multiple snacks, baby supplies, sippy cups and the other necessities needed.  My car looks like a wreck and we will all be a tad bit crabby tonight but we had a great day.  Making memories is what it is all about, oh and coordinating outfits of course!!



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