Tuesday, July 11, 2017

The Reason Behind My Blog

Well as I started looking back at our journey through pics, I am in shock that it has been 5 years since it truly began.  Of course I believe my journey started long before that, but the actual point where God said it was time for us to learn that he was in control and not us, was 5 years ago.  My reason behind this blog was originally to share Braxton's story only.  Although, as I sit here looking at other posts on facebook that I have shared I almost feel like more needs to be told.  If my goal is to reach lots of people who may feel peace or hope then the whole story must be told.  And by that I mean the WHOLE TRUTH!!  Which is not just how amazing Braxton is, or how we witnessed a miracle the blessed day we had with him, but also the following:

- the fear we experienced during our pregnancy for nearly 20 whole weeks
- the faith that was restored
- the loneliness that was felt during and after Braxton's passing
- the amazing support system we have had every step of the way
- the special time we did have with Braxton
- the emotions we experienced for Braxton's birth-day
- the lessons we learned along the way, even on the days we seemed to hit road blocks
- the way men and women experience the loss of a child extremely different, or honestly any type of grief 
- the shock of learning our Genetic part in Braxton's condition
- the terror of hearing because of our DNA we may never have children capable of life
- the Dr's and Medical Teams determination & devotion to our family
- the eagerness of certain Dr's to never give up on us
- the risk we took to move forward with having more children
- the toll it took on us to choose life no matter what
- the way IVF became a common factor in our future
- the pain & guilt we struggle with even today 5 years later
- the birth of our other two children and how they ended up ours
- negative comments we have heard as well as the people who have told us they believe in us
- the many many things Braxton has taught us

These are just a few of the things that make up our journey!  But I would honestly like to know what others want/need to hear to benefit from this.  And no you do not have to be a grieving mother to do that, any one post could touch anyone I feel.  And it can also shine some light on why sometimes it pays to do what your heart is telling you to do.  So I will be inserting a poll on the right hand side of the blog where you can actually express what you feel I should blog about.   Just check the boxes of any of the topics I have listed (multiple boxes may be checked.)  Your feedback would mean so much to me as I start preparing which direction to go with all this.  I am and always have been very open about our journey, but there still are many details that many people do not know as well!  So vote away!!!

My blog will highlight our back story as well as our current journey!!!  Cause even though I have faced loss that I pray no else ever  has too face;  I am still human and have mom days I want to pull my hair out.  I am beyond blessed when you consider I was told my dream of having my own family would probably never become a reality.  But I still have to remind my self on the hard days of crying, temper tantrums and no sleep that this is what we prayed for!!!!!!  Well honestly we not only prayed we begged!!  So I hope you join me on the crazy ride we call life and maybe learn that we may have more in common than you think!  Because at the end of the day we are all here on borrowed time, and each of us has our own trials and journeys to share with others along the way!

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