Sunday, July 30, 2017

Staycations Are The Best

I am the first to admit I am a Daddy's girl and my Mom is my best friend.  So with that being said any chance I get I love to be at their house.  This weekend Brent wanted to fish away so of course I said Yes and loaded the bags and headed to Maw Maw & Pepa's.  We had no plans and didn't do much, but we were together.  And even if it is only 20 minutes away and we stayed in our PJ's most of the weekend it was what we needed.  Being able to have special time with my kids and my parents means so much to me.  And yes they help out ALL the time and even babysit more than most, but sometimes I want to be there too!  Maw Maw & Pepa have never told us we couldn't stay and most of the time we all want to be there anyway lol!!  You see sometimes no plans are the best plans!  And as much as we are always on the go, sometimes Staycations are the best Vacations!!

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