Thursday, July 13, 2017

What Happens When Daddy Dresses You

I can still see the vision in my head.....
  •  the smell of homemade muffins in the oven
  •  fresh squeezed orange juice in a glass pitcher on the kitchen table
  •  tiny outfits perfectly ironed laid out on the couch
  • me completely dressed and makeup done wearing my apron ready to serve breakfast
  • Brent sitting at the island on the stool reading his paper and sipping coffee
  • gentle back rubs and good morning songs to rouse my kids awake each morning 
  • me backing out of the driveway just at the time my automated sprinklers turn on to water my yard
NOPE NONE OF IT HAPPENING AT THE BERGERON HOUSEHOULD FOR THE MORNING ROUTINE!!!!  Yep that was what my life was going to be... picture perfect, or at least in my head that's what it was going to be.  Man if that isn't the farthest from the truth now.  It's actually almost hysterical to think I tought that could be reality LOL.  Well to be completely honest not one of those things happens on a daily basis at our house.  I have never been a morning person, I have never pretended to be a morning person and I do not see myself ever becoming a morning person.  Soooooo I do not know why I thought that would miraculously happen once we had kids under our roof to raise, but I did!  Boy oh boy was I wrong.  Let's just take this morning for instance!  Well I'll even go back a little more and just share from the time we went to bed till we walked out the house this morning to humor you even more, or maybe it will make you feel better about your own morning routine.  

11:00 PM - Finally the kids are in bed and asleep for a good while now, the few things that had to be done or else the house would reek tomorrow or we would be left going to work naked are complete and the night night process wasn't to brutal I must say.  So Brent and I make our way to get into bed.  The night owl in me can't just do that easily so of course I lay there watching TV till I make myself turn it off.  ( I mean I had to catch up with Big Brother Right?)

12:30 AM - I am still tossing and turning making deals with myself if I can just go to sleep I promise this and that.  Almost like when I bargain with the kids to just do what I want lol.

3:00 AM - I am woken up by screams from Jean Paul's room.  I give him the couple of minutes to calm himself and he doesn't so I throw the covers back and slam my feet to the floor.  Not because I am upset with him but because I want Brent to wake up and hear me, cause we all know if Momma isn't getting sleep she is only gonna make Daddy know about it.  This playing field needs to be even CORRECT? Lol.  Well he wakes up and asks "Where are you going?"  "Um you don't hear him he is screaming his head off?" I say.  Brent replies never lifting his head "I just brought him some milk give him a little bit and see what he does!"  OOPS BACKFIRE.  I climb into bed feeling like total dog s **t for trying to be loud to wake him because I thought he just didn't want to get up or wanted to act like he didnt hear him.

4:00 AM - I feel feet in back and I turn over to find Leighton in between Brent and I.  Not all cute and snuggled up either.  She is for sure dreaming she has found her first site of snow and needs to make a snow angels.  I mean how could that position she is in even be remotely comfortable I wonder to myself.  So I bring her back to her room where she begs me to lay with her.  Not having any energy to argue or say no I just climb into bed with her.  

5:00 AM - My alarm will be going off in about 15 minutes but I know I'll snooze at least 5 times.  I convince myself to go back to my room and at least get a good 30-45 minutes restful sleep, because lord knows I never truly feel asleep in Leighton's bed, you know with how OCD I am the fear of not getting up in time and screwing up everyone's whole day lol.  I mean who wants all that extra baggage to blame on themselves all day if it happens.

6:15 AM - After hitting the snooze button way to many times I roll out of bed.  Brent still asleep and THANK YOU BABY JESUS the kids are still sleeping, which means I get to shower before anyone else wakes up.  If I don't do this there is no promise to how much attention I will get to pay to myself before I have to leave.

6:40 AM - I exit my room with foundation and powder only accomplished on myself, wet hair and a robe that I can guarantee is at least 15 years old.  I can hear Mickey Mouse Clubhouse playing as soon as I open my bedroom door.  This means Leighton is awake and sitting in her Daddy's chair with: her hair a mess, PJ's still on, milk in a sippy cup in her hand and her eyes glued to the TV.  Yep I swore I would never allow the TV to occupy my kids while I needed to do other things, but dang it, it is such a helpful resource when I need just a few more minutes to accomplish something lol.  As I round the corner she sees me and springs out of the chair and runs to hug me "Mommyyyyyyy!" Yep best feeling in the world.  She is still at the age where to see me is exciting.  I mean chick I literally just got out of your bed laying next to you barely 2 hours ago.  I go to her room pick out her clothes, pass by the  bathroom and put toothpaste on her toothbrush and grab a bow and pony tail.   Next she stands in front of me as I dress her as she somehow becomes the mannequin girl.  No help at all, I have to repeat multiple times for her to focus or at least help me out a tiny bit.  Do any of y'all know how hard it is to put on shoes when you are working with a leg that will not bend??????  During this time I have to also keep reminding her to brush her teeth.  I threaten to turn of the TV around 7 times and I usually have to change her hair do because of the melt down that plays out in front of my eyes because her hair won't match Sophie or Klaire's at school today.  I pretty roughly tell her well you will be unique as she sobs, I give in and change her hair as I say to myself "I mean seriously how do you even know how Sophie and Klaire's mommies are doing their hair today!"  Ughhhhhhh. Brent rushes past me most mornings to wake Jean Paul and change his diaper and release him to run like a wild man into the living room with puffy eyes.  I tell him his eyes wouldn't be puffy if he would sleep like everyone else does in the world as he keeps saying No No No.  If Brent doesn't rush past me to Jean Paul's room to wake him then he is running to the front bathroom, because his digestive timing is scheduled at the BEST times and always has been.  And I must admit he is not quick at much lol.  And people who know him will agree he takes his time for EVERYTHING!!!  Time to dress Jean Paul, whom has discovered that if he hugs me for long periods of time then I am incapable of getting him ready.  And sucker me can't turn down morning hugs.  I finally have him dressed but usually shoeless and release him.  He runs to the side table and grabs Leighton's toothbrush since she can't seem to remember where it belongs, and he puts it in his mouth Nooooooooo gross Jean Paul.  Oh what the heck do what you want.  Brent usually enters back into our world of getting ready about this time. I'm chasing Jean Paul with a wet hair brush to attempt to tame his wild hair, which recently he hates.  And Brent he good parent says who is ready to go bye bye?  Me Me Me they both scream and like clockwork he tells them both to kiss Mommy and one at a time they run to me and kiss me with their sweet faces and walk out the front door.  Usually Brent screams across the house have a good day as he is leaving, because I am already rushing to finish getting ready.

Phew I look at the clock if it's not past 7:05 we have done good!!!  Now to pick up the mess we made and rush to get myself ready I can head to work.  So:

  • no homemade breakfasts, I am beyond grateful our sitter feeds them this meal
  • no fresh squeezed orange juice, it is more like milk that somehow always seems to be the last of the gallon, these kids make us think we need to buy a cow to save money with the amount of milk they drink
  • no outfits nicely laid out, I will admit I do iron my babies clothes but I am usually digging through drawers trying to find something that matches
  • instead of Brent sitting at the island I hate to be honest but he is usually sitting on the porcelain throne
  • no gentle back rubs to wake them up, it is usually they have beat us up or we are saying come on get up, get up hurry
  • and when I exit the driveway their are no automated sprinklers on my perfect yard, it is usually me seeing a toy I forgot to pick up yesterday in the grass and then I usually am frantically texting a neighbor to see if I closed the garage since I don't know where my mind was when I was leaving
So this is our routine and its far from the vision I had lol.  Now this morning our normal was a little off.  I tossed Brent Leighton's clothes to dress her and well you can see how well that worked for us.  So I guess the new normal is really the unnormal huh???  But, I wouldn't change it for the world.  Well maybe I would ask to be a little more of a morning person or a little more organized if I could LOL.

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