Tuesday, July 25, 2017

They Whine - I Wine

Once again reality slaps me in the face lol!  Each day I wake up with super mom plans, but by the end of the day I'm usually laughing at myself to keep from crying at how far off my plan I am!  You see I'm one of those ........ Type A, perfectionist, OCD, over achiever, over reacting, big planning girls!!!!  Sounds organized doesn't it?  Well WRONG.  I never seem to get a single thing accomplished!  I always have huge plans, big plans but get side tracked way to easily (thanks mom for passing that down to me)!  These failures can range from small to monumental lol!  Although, in my mind they are always monumental (that's the over reacting part of me that shines through.).  Imagine a 36 year old falling out on the floor in a full fledged temper tantrum, yep I am pretty sure that is what my husband sees when I let myself down.  There have been days he actually calmly and in a very monotoned voice asks me " So did you honestly believe you were going to accomplish blah blah???"  And when I look him in the face flabbergasted that he doesn't have faith in me he says "UMMMMMMM that's pretty unrealistic.  You do see that right?"  Then the dumb realization comes over me that he is right.  But in my head the agenda I had to accomplish that day was very realistic.  And I do this over and over and over again and I constantly let myself down over and over and over again.  And like I said in the beginning I end up having to laugh to keep from crying because if I start crying watch out.  That is a whole new level of crazy that Brent has to deal with lol.  If you only knew what a huge step this was in my even admitting this lmao!!!!!

So I would describe yesterday as a minor failure in my planning/accomplishing performance.  Well the planning was spot on because I can tell myself all day long I will get it done, but the accomplishing part is where I fall short.  So I had a short work schedule Monday, which meant it was my only day that I would even remotely be able to get any grocery shopping done for the week.  Of course I bargained in my head back and forth all morning whether I seriously needed to go or if we could survive on what we had in the house.  Once I took a look at what I could maybe scrounge up for dinner I realized there was no way we could survive all week on just that.  And with Brent not getting home till around 9 or later every night I couldn't ask him to get what we needed.  So I decided to go after work, but right before I had to get the kids at 5:30 PM.  That very graciously gave me 35 minutes total to get the groceries and have them loaded in my car pulling out and headed to daycare ( insert eye roll here).  Doable right???

So the staples for the week were gonna be:
Stuff to make tacos
Onion & Bell Pepper to saute with the sirloin tips we have here
Stuff for quick spaghetti
Meat to add to the box of Hamburger Helper we have already
Some Fruit
Lunch Meat

Nothing to crazy huh?  Easy enough huh?  So I get in my car with 3 minutes to spare and I feel accomplished.  Like I'm super woman actually, a sweaty super woman but I'll take what I can get.  Get home with the kids and unpack and guess who forgot the taco seasoning?  This girl did!  So that would typically sound like no big deal, butttttttttt to an OCD, over achiever, over reacting ...........etc etc etc this is a huge deal like life altering.  You see the tacos were for that night, Monday night.  That was the plan.  That was what I had laid out in my wonderful plan..... in my head.  I never tattooed them on my arm but you might as well of thought I did.  So guess what the night is ruined, my kids will be over weight and unhealthy because I will feed them junk tonight instead of tacos.  And it is all my fault.  Their lives are ruined.  So back up plan I start tossing stuff out of the the fridge:  few day old jambalaya, left over pizza and frozen meatballs and of course some of the fruit I bought just now.  Uggggghhhhh poor kids should be eating tacos.  So maybe you are giggling and a day later I am too.  But I can not explain how truly hard I was on myself.  So 9:00 PM Brent is headed home and asks if I need anything and what's for dinner.  I am pretty sure he now just lays the phone on his center console in his truck because of the wailing that comes over the phone.  

"I'm sorry I forgot the taco seasoning
yes I am the worst mom and wife ever.

SILENCE (because he is probably thinking crazy woman seriously)

"And no I know you did not say that but I know you are thinking it.  I can't do anything right.  But I am doing the best that I can."

And the rest of the night pretty much followed with whining from the whole crew.  Leighton whined mostly because she could not remember the correct lyrics to Moana.  And Jean Paul..... well right now Jean Paul just whines because I am pretty sure he thinks life in general after 8:30 PM is stressful.  So if you can't beat them then join them right?

They Whine - I Wine!!!!!

Oh and by the way tonight we ended up having those Tacos for dinner and their Aunt Shelley always says:
TACO TUESDAY is the best day of the week anyway!!!!!

Or as I see it:
Mom Messed Up Mexican Monday so now it is Taco Tuesday!!!

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