Saturday, July 15, 2017

He's Mine

He is 1 but it feels like he's been here for many years
He is gentle but he's strong minded
He is so lovable but he's got a temper
He is my third child but he feels like my first in a way
He is a Momma's boy but he's attached to his Daddy
He is a strong resemblance of me but he's a spitting image of his Daddy's baby pics
He is smiles all day long but he's a fireball when you get him mad
He is his sisters shadow but he's all for himself when you touch his belongings
He is my final gift from God but he's one of my greatest achievements 
He is spoiled rotten but he's even more spoiled at his Maw Maw's house
He is a precious angel but he's mine!!!!!

Still brings me to my knees to think of the heartache we have been through, but looking back it has brought us to the happiness we get to be a part of now!!

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