Sunday, July 23, 2017

Make New Friends But Keep The Old

So as you get to know me I am sure you will begin to see how important I consider friendship.  It is something I do not take for granted.  There are a ton of stories and reasons I could share but that would be a whole new blog lol, and a couple of bottles of wine!!!  As I look back on my life I can remember lots of special friends.  Some I met on my own and some that I will call forced (the ones you acquire because they are family or your parents bring to you through their friends).  Both types are amazing but in the end the forced ones usually can't escape lol.  I spoke yesterday of how busy our day was, but not of the amazing things I saw.  These 2 pics here speak to my heart in so many ways.

Pic on the left:

This beautiful, outgoing and not a tad bit shy little girl with Leighton is Mila.  Her mother, Heather and I are high school friends.   The stories are endless between our group of girlfriends.  There have been many adventures, tears, laughs and battles we have faced together.  And yes there are times that life gets in the way and we seem to drift for a bit, but it has never failed that we come together again.  We got together to celebrate Heather's new marriage as a group.  And while we were laughing and catching up at the kitchen table this little sweet moment happened.  It is amazing to watch all of our friends kids grow up together.  And yes this is the forced friendship I was talking about for sure, but their moms friendship wasn't so one day they will thank us for that lol.  From the outside looking in this just looks like two beautiful girls.  But what you do not know from just one glance is that these 2 beautiful little girls saved their moms more than they will ever understand.  God sent them when we needed them most.  They came to us in a time when we questioned God's love for us and he said I will prove to you your worth....and he did.  I pray these girls forever remain the light in the eyes of many because I know they are meant for great things.  For in their short time here on earth they have already restored so much faith in their Mommies!

Pic on the right:

This sassy, smart and free spirited little girl with Leighton is Calyn.  Yesterday was her birthday party.  She is the mega forced friendship because her Daddy is my cousin. LOL.  Honestly I do not think any two little girls could be more opposite, but the crazy part is they play better together than others do.  They enter there own little world after about an hour of warming up on Leighton's side every time.  Calyn is ready to go the second we meet up, but Leighton being like her Daddy has to assess the situation before she jumps in.  Now from the outside looking in with this picture you see two dang cute cousins playing RIGHT?  Well to me I see the full circle of life, because I remember how lost I felt when Calyn's parents got married.  Sadly enough their wedding was the weekend after we found out the devastating news about Braxton at our 20 week ultrasound.  I was unable to attend due to the shock and heartache I was trying to accept and understand.  I remember feeling so horrible for not attending but I just wasn't ready to face everyone and the truth just yet.  Then Milly (Calyn's Mommy) and I got pregnant at the same exact time.  Then we found out we were both having girls.  As ugly as it sounds when they got married I was not in a good place, so this picture of our girls playing together means and signifies how life goes on to me.  The world kept revolving even when I wanted it to completely stop so I could catch my breath, but God caught me back up when the time was right.  I pray these girls always understand the importance of forced family friendship and remain close no matter what!  Leighton will always need Calyn to push her to new things and I see Calyn needing Leighton to tell her to slow down at times LOL!!!!

To all friendships I pray you keep these words close to your heart!  

Make new friends,
but keep the old.
One is silver,
the other is gold.

A circle is round,it has no end.
That's how long,
I will be your friend.
A fire burns bright, it warms the heart.
We've been friends,
from the very start.
You have one hand,I have the other.
Put them together,
We have each other.
Silver is precious, Gold is too.
I am precious,
and so are you.
You help me, and I'll help you 
and together
we will see it through.
The sky is blue
The Earth is green
I can help
to keep it clean
Across the land
Across the sea
Friends forever
We will always be

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