Thursday, September 28, 2017

An Hour Alone

Lately my work schedule changes by the week, but for the most part I don't get off early.  Today was different.  I actually was off by 4:00 PM.  I knew there were a million and one things I needed to do with the little bit of extra time I had alone before I had to get the kids from school by 5:30 PM.  I made a grocery list and planned to head there to get the essentials we needed to make it through the weekend lol.  One day I will accomplish a major grocery haul, like planning out meals and what we need to last at least a month.  But for now living on the edge is what we have been doing since it feels like there is no extra time in any given day.  Hey it's working; unless we get to the end of toothpaste, toilet paper, bananas for Jean Paul and gummies for Leighton lol.  Everything else we can wait on.  Before I turned into the parking lot at the grocery store I decided to just keep driving.  I drove straight to the cemetery.  I have always kept a blanket and a stash of books in the back of my car for special visits.  I have had it there since the day we buried Braxton 5 years ago.  Life seems to be so busy these days and I do not get long visits like I used too.  We still go all the time, but the kids love to sing and run around when we are out there.  Which I must say has added a wonderful piece of happiness to how my visits used to be.  But sometimes I like to stop by on my own for a little bit of one on one time with my sweet boy.  To be honest those visits are usually pretty quick too even though they are still special.  But today when I had an hour something inside me wanted to be with him and read him a long overdue book!  It was a beautiful day and I had new flowers for him that I had purchased with his Christmas money that I had saved up from his Great Grandmother till he needed fresh ones.  So today I got to sit with a blanket, two books (one to read to him and then one to read for me) and a beautiful afternoon.  The grass was freshly cut and the sun wasn't out beaming to make it to hot!  It was a perfect hour that was in my mind used wisely.  I filled him in on alot that has been happening and alot that I need his help with too!  And the best part was it was not rushed.  Just Mommy & Braxton!!!!  

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