Friday, September 1, 2017

Wear Red Friday

It has been a longgggg day!  Jean Paul is going through a terrible teething stage.  It is literally breaking my heart.  He wakes up screaming the most painful screams.  Then when you get him out of bed he is inconsolable.  Between me and him crying last night and Brent trying to figure out how to calm both of us there was very little sleep.  At one point Jean Paul even had blood coming from his gums so we are hoping that was the culprit tooth and it is out and done with us.  Leighton never had it this bad.  And my Mom and I read somewhere at some point that teething is actually one of the most painful things we go through in our lives.  So that just makes me hurt for him even more.  So we had Popsicles in bed at 12:30 AM, another pain session at 2:45 AM, intermittent snuggles, sister waking up at 4 AM due to the screaming and then everyone up at 5:30 AM because of all the commotion.  But even though we were all extremely tired this morning it was a big day!  It was our first Wear Red Friday of the 2017 UL Football Season!!!!  So through the puffy eyes and yawns we wore our Red Loud and Proud!  Can't wait for another season of making memories with friends and my little family!

Leighton is ready for the B-Ball game (as she calls them) tomorrow and Jean Paul is already doing TOUCHDOWN!  Gonna be a great day tomorrow!

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