Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Your Smile Means More Than Anything

Mommy & Leighton have been waiting for this day for a long time and it is finally here.  The day my baby girl starts dancing.  A part of me is sad that I wished for this day to hurry up because that means she is getting older.  But I know she is in amazing hands and will have tons of fun.  I pray she learns far more than dancing in these classes such as:
how to meet new friends
and most of all how to feel you are good at something solely because you enjoy it!!

I could not help myself last night as I got her dance bag ready for her to change clothes at daycare before being picked up.  I found myself writing her a little note just as my Mom used to do for me all the time.  I can remember loving the way it felt to find a little message tucked away in so many different places growing up.  I hope her heart was filled with happiness when she was read her own special note from me today. 

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