Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Who Knew Lack of Sleep Would Make Me So Happy

If you have known me for years then you would know I love to sleep, or I loved to sleep LOL.  In the past I could sleep till noon and never think twice about it.  Day time or night time I could always nap!  So who would of ever thought that now with two toddlers running around I would be this happy due to the lack of sleep I get???  See the thing is even though I am beyond tired; like my body actually hates me most days from being so tired, I know this is what I prayed for.  I know we all know that we should appreciate the little things in life, but I think sometimes we get caught up and see some things as aggravation instead of blessings.  It is hard always being in charge of other humans besides myself, but I wanted that more than anything.  So for now I will just remain tired!  This type of tired is way better than the tired of racking my brain of what went wrong with Braxton, will I ever get another chance and many more troubling worries.  There are so many out there praying and yearning for a family.  So today I beg you to choose your words wisely when you complain about the little things, because to someone else it could be their deepest fear of never having those little things to complain about.  And believe me I had to do some major reminding of this exact thing in the middle of the night last night and bright and early this morning.  Around 1:00 AM Miss Leighton Rose wet her bed, so the changing and washing of sheets got started.  As I felt myself wanting to get frustrated because I was so tired, I had to laugh and say "I get it God" this comes with the prayer I begged for.  You see we can't just get the good we have to take the hard times with it!  Poor Leighton kept telling me she was so sorry for her accident.  So as I was starting the washer I told her to get in bed and cuddle with Daddy until her bed was remade and then I would lay with her in her bed.  When I went to get her 5 minutes later this is what I found.  

How can I be upset with that face???  I snuggled up next to her and actually began to cry.  I know everyday all day I am blessed but in this moment I couldn't help but cry out and thank him for these moments.  Because these are the moments that make me a Mom.  Not the stuff everyone sees, it's the little things that happen in between.  Next thing I knew my alarm was going off at 5:30 AM and I was trying to find a reason to stay in bed (is it Saturday?, is the clock wrong?) nope it's time to go to work UGGGGHHHHHH.  So as I was getting up again that peace and happiness came over me as my mind told my heart..... "you may be tired but you are tired because you have what you have always wanted!"
After my shower as I was drying off I could hear "Mommy" from my room.  As soon as I peeped my head out of the bathroom door this is what I see!

Yep 45 minutes ahead of the schedule Mommy needs him to be on LOL.  So this means no getting ready in an easy fashion.  BUT...... again I giggle and say outloud "God you got me.... this is what I asked for!"  So my bed is not truly mine anymore and that's ok.  Shoot my time isn't even mine anymore and that is more than OK.  Please take the challenge tomorrow and when you feel yourself getting a tad bit aggravated or just a tad bit sleepy to stop and realize if what is bothering you is actually attached to some sort of blessing that you truly love!!!  Oh and yes I was very tired all day long at work as usual but Leighton is 3 and Jean Paul is 1 and the realization is I will be tired from now on.  

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