Friday, September 8, 2017

Special Visitors

Braxton was a very lucky little angel today!  He had two very important visitors, his Daddy and his Pepa!  Pepa went first and told me that our sweet boy is wanting a new balloon from his brother and sister very soon.  Then Daddy went by for a visit and trimmed the grass around his headstone.  Getting the texts and pics of their visits warmed my heart so much.  I know Braxton loved them being there as much as I did.  Men do not always show their sadness as openly as women do.  But every now and then they show they are hurting still too.  I am beyond blessed knowing they both love visiting My Sweet Boy on their own time. They don't need a huge production... Just a little sunshine, quiet time and Braxton!!

A Dad Hurts Too

People don't always see the tears a dad cries,
his heart is broken too when his child dies.

He tries to hold it together and be strong,
even though his world's gone wrong.

He holds his wife as her tears fall,
comforts her through it all.

He goes through his day doing what he's supposed to do,
but a piece of his heart has been ripped away too.

So when he's alone he lets out his pain,
and his tears come like falling rain.

His world as crashed in around him,
and a world that was once bright has gone dim.

He feels he has to be strong for others,
but Dads hurt too, not just the Mothers.

He searches for answers but none are to be found,
he hides behind a mask when he is feeling down.

He smiles through his tears,
he struggles and holds in his fears.

But what you see on the outside is not always real,
men don't always show how they really feel.

So I'd like to ask a favor of you,
the next time you see a mother hurting over the loss of her child,
please remember......a Dad hurts too.

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