Thursday, September 14, 2017

Mom May Need A Night Out Soon

Oh yes indeed I may need a night out soon, but tonight a stiff drink may just have to do.  When will I learn that I am just not meant to have things go smoothly or when will I at least learn to admit that life isn't supposed to go smoothly LOL.  Always running from here to there.  Responsible for 2 humans, a household, a husband (cause we all know sometimes they are like another child), work, surviving losing Braxton and everything in between.  I can't help but giggle as I pour the vodka and squeeze the lime into the cup tonight.  POOYIE!!!!!!!

- The 2 Humans -
I love them more than life itself but for the love of God who knew you had to teach them everything LOL.  I mean I guess I just assumed I was born with all the amazing knowledge in my head.  It is awesome to know they solely rely on me for all life support but right now but I am tired ALOT.  I must admit every time they learn something new I still cry and more than most I know these are the happiest days of our lives.  Secretly I hope it's normal after all we have been through to say that every now and then I want someone to take care of me for just a minute!!!  

- The Household -
OK if we are being completely honest this is not my strong point.  Oddly enough OCD people are actually very opposite than lots of people think they are.  OCD does not equal immaculate house I promise.  I feel like I can't keep up and I have come to learn that some of the chores just are not going to get done in the timely manner that they used too.  Now I have to remind myself of this multiple times a week before panic sets in, but I am learning.  As long as my babies are fed and cleaned and loved everything else can wait.

- The Husband -
So Brent is actually very handy and does tend to tons of things around the house for us.  BUTTTTTTT he works so much that we don't see him having much time for that lol.  He gets home usually around 9 PM, showers and settles down and eats at 10 PM sometimes not till 10:30 PM.  Now this does not include having to wash his stinky clothes from cutting and making sure he has something clean for the next day.  For the most part Brent is really chill and easy going, unless he is sick.  Well I am pretty sure that is for most men it is almost as if they regress back to age 2 when they are sick (and I am speaking of just the common cold.)

- Work -
OH work OH work.  Lately I am traveling between two offices for work which puts me traveling alot.  I am beyond thankful to have a job I love, but man some days I wish I could just win the lottery lol.  I am crushed most mornings sending my kids off to daycare.  I know they are more than happy and well cared for, but I want more time in the day with them.  Seems unfair that they are usually the first ones dropped off and the last ones picked up.  But one day I pray the will know we work all for them.

- Surviving Losing Braxton -
Well this is by far the hardest of them all.  I try really hard to be brave and strong every single day.  But I must admit some days I want to pull out my crazy card and just scream "I can not do it today!"  Simplest way to describe this briefly is..... It is actually more exhausting and hard to be strong all day than to let myself just cry.  I will survive though and I will do it for my babies.  ALL 3 OF THEM.

- The In Between -
So today the in between drama deals with crazy songs in my head and clothing mishaps.
All in today I:
1- I literally dressed my son without putting a diaper on him this morning.
(Yep I had to undress him to put one on him, thank goodness before any true disaster happened)

2-  Leighton mishaps were her wearing semi-border daisy dukes to school and then wearing them as a mini skirt for at least 20 minutes before I noticed.  Oh and the short shorts were pointed out by her teachers and I sure did make her do the touch the toes drill to see if any hiney cheeks were revealed.  OK maybe I should of done the drill prior to dropping her off this morning but hey lesson learned lol.

3- The crazy songs in my head would not stop today.  And for me this was the main sign I may need a night out soon.  I don't know if its normal that when someone asked me what time it was?  I wanted to ring out:
"What time is it? It's time for Lunch?" like the Bubble Guppies do!!
Or when the kids asked to played outside I told them in my best singing voice:
"Outside, Outside, Everybody Outside!" again from Bubble Guppies

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH need adult interaction ASAP LOL!!!!!

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