Friday, September 22, 2017

Cajun Family

Well hey I have always been honest in saying that I am forever a Mom in training.  Because there is always something new to learn around every single corner.  You finally catch on to how to do something then WHAM it's on to the next challenge LOL.  But I must say I might be doing something right as a Mom from Lafayette, LA when you have a morning like we did.  Fridays are now deemed pajama day at daycare, which Leighton is always excited about.  This Momma has to veto that rule when it's Football season and a Friday before a home game!  So as it was time to get dressed this morning I was expecting tears and complete drama when I did not come out with pajamas for her to wear to school.  She doesn't even really catch on that it's Friday sometimes, but when you are leaving school on Thursday afternoon and both teachers say "DON'T FORGET TOMORROW IS PAJAMA DAY," ahhhhhhhhh then she knows. (thanks to the teachers who know who they are LOL)!  But to my surprise instead of tears when she saw her outfit laying out on the couch she started jumping up and down with pure excitement!!!  "YAY Cajuns" she kept saying over and over again.  Proud Mom moment right there we are raising them right somehow if she knows the Cajuns are what we love.  So next I dress Jean Paul who is just happy because everyone else is at that moment.  Until he sees the football on his outfit!  "BALL, BALL" he kept repeating!  He was so proud it was so precious.  And of course as Daddy rounded the corner hearing Cajuns from his princess and ball from his son he couldn't contain his smile.  And when Brent is smiling ear to ear (like major cheese ball smile) you know he is happy, because poor man holds so much in that we tease him constantly!  Well how about that a smooth morning besides the Starburst Leighton requested for breakfast (that I did not grant); although, dang it after the 376th time she asked I wanted to just say FINE eat the dang thing.  It was finally time to load up which is usually a process cause right now they love to pretend to be headed out the door and then come back to give Mommy a million kisses one at a time LOL.  Which of course I adore.  So as Leighton was kissing me I said "have a great day at Tricia's!"  BIG MISTAKE!!!  Cue the tears!!  Apparently the ward robe choices made her somehow think we were going to the B-Ball game today or better yet now!  "NOOOOOO I want to go to the B-Ball game with Aunt Casey and Hayden and Daddy and Mommy and Jean Paul" she kept saying.  She kept repeating everyone we go with over and over in the saddest voice with the saddest little face as the tears kept pouring down her face.  Meanwhile Jean Paul just keeps screaming "BALL, BALL!"  But you could tell he was trying to defend his sister in wanting to go to the Cajuns game.  I felt so horrible I had completely confused her.  So as calmly as I could I tried to explain to her that we had one more sleep then we were going to Cajun Field.  It took some convincing but she finally seemed to believe me and stopped crying.  Finally we got them both loaded into the truck and headed off to school.  As I came back inside to get dressed I felt so bad for her, but then I had to giggle a little.  Brent always told me he wanted to raise our kids up as Cajun Fans even if later on they decided to choose their own path.  But we would at least show them our love for our local college that we both attended and that he played football for.  Well there you go we did something right for once LOL.  Wow that sure does feel good, knowing you we did something that we always wanted to for our kids.  And so far it is obvious that they love it as much as we do.  I mean when your 3 year old cries to go to the field I would say it's a good sign she enjoys it.  I think she truly loves her Cajuns, but I thinks she also loves when we are all together as a family even more!  And that makes me even prouder!!

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