Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Surprise Sleepover

Impromptu sleepover at Maw Maw & Pepa's equals happiness for everyone!  I love being able to live so close to my parents.  I honestly would live next door if the money God's allowed LOL!  Pepa came home early from work with slushies and they blew bubbles and made blue play-dough spaghetti for dinner!!!!  And I am happy to say both my kids ate amazing tonight!  Steak and noodles with enough to bring home for leftovers for tomorrow night.... Now the test is if they will eat it at home even though it's the exact same thing Maw Maw fed them!!!!  Now time for baths then I'm sure both kids will be read at least 20 books each because it's one of their favorite things to do here!!!

A Grandparents love
know no bounds.
It does not recognize
bedtimes or curfews
and agrees dinner can be
cookies and ice cream.
It can provide unlimited 
cuddles and kisses
and always has time for
just one more story!

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