Friday, September 29, 2017

Bubba's Letters

Leighton has been so proud of herself lately as she is learning a lot of new things at school!  So usually after Jean Paul is in bed her and I try and take 10 minutes to do something educational just us!  Sometimes it's only coloring or something simple but I still enjoy seeing her do things other than tv and this is the time she usually shares with me what they did at school that day!  Well last night she made my heart so happy.  After her bath she went to brush her teeth and get ready for bed because we had already done an alphabet game!  She came into my room with Braxton's wooden name puzzle in her hands and said "Mommy what does this say?"  I told her that was Bubba's name puzzle and explained to her that hers was in her room and Jean Paul's was in his!  "Can you let me learn Bubba's letters Mommy?"  My heart skipped a beat and even though it was past time for her to be getting in bed I heard myself say "Well of course I can, come bring it on the bed and we will learn Bubba's letters!"  These moments are so special and I will argue with anyone that tries to tell me Braxton was not with us in that moment.  I can only do so much of involving Braxton's memory in their lives but there are so many times I watch him involve himself in their minds and hearts all by himself!  And this was for sure one of them to me!  After telling me what each letter was we placed them in order a couple of times on the puzzle board and I watched Leighton beam with self pride!  She smiled and said "I learned Bubba's letters Mommy!"

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