Sunday, September 10, 2017

Well Ain't That Some S**T

Wowzers today did not go as planned from the moment we woke up lol.  Like I have mentioned before Brent, my husband, works two jobs and is gone alot.  So that leaves me and the kids and as much as I try to have a schedule and agenda sometimes it just does not happen for me lol.  Well today was one of those days.  Within 5 minutes of Brent leaving this morning Leighton's sixth sense kicked in and she was at my bedside asking to snuggle.  The rule is if the sun is up she is allowed and the sun was up this time because it was 7 AM.  So I was happy to let her snuggle up next to me.  I glanced at the clock and remember saying to myself "now lets see how long Turtle (Jean Paul) lets us sleep in."  I had planned for us to wake up and go to 10 AM mass and then visit Bubba, as Leighton had been requesting.  So at 7:45 AM my eyes popped open and I knew it was time for me to shower if any of the plan was going to happen.  Shower... check!!!  And as we all know that is a huge accomplishment in itself.  A shower by yourself with no little people banging on the door or asking if you are done yet.  When I opened the bedroom door Leighton's eyes were open and she was smiling back at me.  Cue the melting heart!  In the sweetest little voice she asked me to snuggle with her more while watching cartoons.  Quick check on the monitor and surprisingly Jean Paul was still fast asleep.  SCORE!  So of course I put on some pajamas and climbed back in bed with her.  This all sounds smooth sailing so far doesn't it.  Yep it was, all except for the million and one equations I was doing in my head:
- how long has he been sleeping?
- he never sleeps this late should I wake him, What if something is wrong?
- what time do I need to wake him in order to bathe them both and be on time for mass?
- oh shoot bathe and feed them before mass (tack on 15 minutes)
- should I get up and dry my hair or just let it look a mess for church?
Well snuggles always veto how good my hair needs to look, especially for church (Jesus doesn't judge us RIGHT LOL)?  So around 8:45 AM rolls around and I decide to give Leighton her bath first and just let Jean Paul sleep in since I know he was up around midnight with Brent for a little bit.  Still all is going pretty good until I head to my room to start my makeup.  That's when I hear he is up over the monitor.  Leighton comes running in to inform me that brother is crying, she loves thinking she has saved the day.  I ask her to go in his room and tell him Mommy is coming and we are going to go to church.  Off she runs to his room.  As I follow a few seconds behind her I hear her saying "UMMMMM Mommy did you forget something?"  "Huh what do you mean silly?", I ask her.  Well that is where the morning took a nasty turn.  And I mean nasty.  There was my son standing in tears pointing at his diaper laying on the mattress.  And let me just say it was not a pee pee diaper, it was no where near just that.  As I got next to the crib I saw Poo everywhere and the little gel beads that make up the inside of a diaper.  Both were everywhere!!!!  I will save ya'll from a pic and let you just imagine it in your head LOL.  OH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.  Ok damage control mode let's get going.  I grabbed the wipes and tried to semi clean him before lifting him out the crib.  That was what I thought would work best, but Jean Paul didn't like that plan at all.  He was grabbing me and screaming "MOMMY" and trying to crawl out of the crib.  Gross this is not working.  Ok next idea.  I grabbed him and held him with my arms straight out and made a mad dash for the tub.  As he stood in the tub crying I turned on the water, which poor baby was cold at first and made him scream even more.  I tried the wipe method again while the tub began to warm up.  I needed to at least get the first layer of poop off before I let him sit in his bath in his own feces.  Meanwhile I am gagging through the whole process.  Why is teething poop so much stinkier???  I finally got him wiped off of all visible poo and now it was time to clean him with soap.  This whole time Leighton is being amazing and doing anything I ask of her.  She actually got him to stop crying while she sang the Wheels On The Bus to him.  So I then asked her to sit on Mommy's bath time stool and talk to him while I at least got his room in order.  The bathroom is directly next to their rooms so I knew it was safe.  It made me so happy to hear her playing the best big sister role.  Now for the Rank Room ughhhhh.  I immediately opened the window wondering if my sweet babies room would ever smell good again.  I slowly took everything out of his bed and made piles of stuffed animals and blankets so I could wash them appropriately.  For the sheet, this would be the hard part.  Because dang it those crib sheets are an act of Congress to get on  and when they are filled with poo and tiny poo filled diaper gels I knew it was going to be hard to get off easily.  I was just imagining everything I needed to stay contained in the center popping like pop corn all over the place as I removed the sheet.  I finally got it off with no further mess and headed straight outside to at least get what would come off outside done so I would not have to hand wash to much before throwing it in the washer.  After all of this I started the washer and headed to get my boy out the tub.  He was finally happy and smiling, but everything still stunk.  After I got him a fresh diaper and covered him in baby lotion I started cleaning his crib in case he had touched anything.  It was then when I was walking back and forth getting cleaning materials and essential oils that I bent down to help Jean Paul with something and still smelled the poo on him.  AHHHHHH ok back in the tub for you son.  So after 2 baths and 45 minutes of cleaning I had to admit to myself that church was not going to happen like I planned.  Alright everybody lets go!  I loaded them up and headed to McDonald's and then to see Bubba at the cemetery!  Praying that the time away would allow the smell to start to fade for when we returned.  So my friends I normally do not do well with things straying from my plan.  But there was not much I could do but compromise in this situation lol.  Needless to say Leighton thought this plan was magnificent as she told me on the way to visit Braxton.    Well her words exactly were "Old Mac Donald's is magnificent Mommy!'  And I could not lie, this unplanned adventure ended up being just what we needed.  We sang KLOVE songs in the car, got oversized drinks, had hash browns without waiting till we got to Bubba and had amazing weather for a perfect visit at the cemetery.  Now I will admit that the day still was a bit off due to the fact that Jean Paul was all into taking his diaper off and running bare bottom multiple times.  I literally would find a diaper and then see him just playing like nothing was wrong LOL.  But sometimes you need a little adventure to stir up your schedule.  And Jean Paul will be the one to stir up a bunch in the years to come, I can already see that LOUD AND CLEAR!!!!!

Can't help but think our Angel had a hand in our morning adventure!!!

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