Friday, September 15, 2017

Your Story Continues

I've heard loss compared to books before, something like.... "Goodbyes are the hardest when the story wasn't finished."  I am beyond blessed and so thankful that some of my amazing family members put together a book for us "Braxton's Story!"  It's pages contain the pictures we cherish so much of our sweet boy.  The story is the eulogy my Uncle wrote for Braxton's funeral and it is through the eyes of Braxton!  I can not tell you how special we felt passing out his book to some of our closest friends and family.  I always tried to to it at a time I felt most fitting for each family.  I pray that it gives peace and a child like understanding of how amazing God's undying love is.  As much as I want to scream and shout why God? Why didn't you let my baby write his story or even his first chapter in the book of life.  Little by little I am seeing that in my eyes his story may have seemed short but it is far from that.  It is forever being written in the eyes of God until the day we are together  again.  As long as we continue to believe then the story is never finished.  So everytime my kids ask to read "Braxton's Story" I will stop and read it no matter what.  And everytime the book closes I will always remind them that their brother is and will always be with us..... And through their eyes I will watch Braxton's story add on chapter by chapter with Faith, Hope and Love as our author to guide us!!!

We your family miss you,
in the house where you should be.
We wanted so much to keep you,
but God willed it not to be.
Now you are in God's keeping,
you suffer no more pain.
So dear God take care of Him
Until we meet again!

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