Tuesday, October 10, 2017

A Day At The Zoo

We got to go to wonderful birthday party at the zoo Saturday morning.  It was overcast so the weather was great not to hot for once.  It amazes me how the simplest things or activities can show how truly different Leighton & Jean Paul are.  Their personalities are polar opposite and I love watching them try and mesh them together lol.  For instance Leighton could care less what kind of cake and ice cream are being served she was asking where the chips and dip were ( I'm guilty for loving that too ).  But honestly she didn't even take a bite of the cake or the ice cream and it didn't phase her one bit.  She also was more entertained by Hayden, the birthday boy, trying to blow out the candles while everyone was still singing.  And as she stated it "he didn't wait his turn to blow them out on time!"  Whereas Jean Paul not only ate his piece of cake he practically ate his sisters piece that she never touched.  And the funny part is that he would of finished both of completely if I wouldn't of told Brent to take it away LOL.  Oh and while everyone was singing Jean Paul never even knew.  He was to busy trying to open the diaper bag saying "SNACK SNACK" as if I hadn't just let him devour cake!  Next while looking at all the animals you could hear Leighton squeal a mile away before we would even be up to the the fence of an animal.  She was so giddy it was adorable.  And it was even cuter to see her run back to get Jean Paul and tell him to come see each animal one by one.  And there was Jean Paul "turtle" just living up to his name strolling on through the zoo like we had hours to spend there.  No hurry at all.  And you could tell in his face he was amazed by the animals but never did he show the reaction Leighton did.  Complete opposites!!  Then came the giraffes.  Leighton was so proud to tell us that the giraffe is known for his long neck, but as we were approaching them we could see one was allowing everyone to pet it.  Nope she was perfectly fine watching from afar.  No interest at all to touch it.  But guess who did!  Yep Jean Paul went right up close and even touched it.  I was in shock.  Not really because he wanted to touch it, but just because he was not scared at all.  I mean a giraffe is huge, especially to a 1 year old.

The whole morning was so fun watching them enjoy all the animals and being able to be there as a family.  They are at the perfect ages to enjoy the zoo and I was actually very surprised how it was fitting for both of their ages.  Good clean fun..... Well Leighton disagreed with the clean part.  The whole second half of the party she walked around with her nose plugged and loudly let everyone know that the smell was not her it was from the animals!!!

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