Thursday, October 26, 2017

Chores Are Fun Mommy

Leighton actually told me "chores are fun Mommy" last night.  Hmmmmm I wonder how many years I can keep her believing that lol.  This post tonight is mainly so that I can have proof in the years to come that she said that to me.  I can't wait till that day comes when I can say what do you mean chores aren't fun LOL!  Last night I honestly did not feel good at all, I literally had to wait till Brent got home for help bathing the kids.  I do not know what was going on.  I forced myself to empty the dishwasher so I could reload it because for some reason I can not go to sleep with dirty dishes in the sink.  Well let me rephrase that I can cause I have, but it drives me insane and can cause lack of sleep LOL.  So as I was slowly unloading dishes I turned around to see two sweet faces trying to help.  Yes it took a little longer than usual since they would grab one thing at a time and bring it to me.  I praised them for all their help and I got a tremendous amount of pleasure seeing how proud they were of themselves for helping out.  We even might of invented an "ALL THE DISHES ARE CLEAN DANCE" in the process too!  Hey who doesn't love new traditions lol.  Whatever works right!!!  I couldn't help but giggle to myself when I was laying in bed looking back at the pic.  All I could think of was when I was growing up my parents had my brother convinced that unloading the dishwasher and eating the crust on your bread made hair grow on your chest like a real man!  He was a dish washing and bread crust eating fool LOL.  Which I guess they didn't think through to well because those were two chores I for sure wasn't helping out with if that was the reward!!!  But all jokes aside I do believe it is healthy to teach your kids at a young age that they can help and should.  It may not have been the way I would of unloaded the dishes or the speed I can do it in, but they were helping instead of wanting to watch TV etc.  And like I said with the dancing and giggles we squeezed into the job it was tons of fun!!

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