Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Including Him Means The World To Me

Knowing he is loved makes me so happy!  Today I got this pic from my Mom and it read:
" Stopped to see my first granchild and now going to pick up my other two!  
It's a great day!'
I don't even know how to describe how it made me feel.  The scariest thing for a Mother that has lost a child is that their child will be forgotten.  Even to hear him still recognized as her granchild outloud means the world to me.  And I do have to remind myself that losing Braxton did not just change my life, it changed everyone who loves us as well.  It is usually all about the Mom and Dad and how they are hurting, but people forget that siblings, Aunts, Uncles, Grandparents etc. hurt too.  Braxton was the first granchild on my side as well as Brent & I's first born child.  My Mom is my backbone and my best friend.  Therefore, she hides a lot of her pain from me in order to sort of protect me in a way.  But I know she misses him just as much as I do.  So I love when she gets special time with her Lil Man just them two because she needs that time too.  She always brings him a yellow flower just from her.  And today she brought him his Halloween treat!  When I asked her if she brought him the new things I saw in the pic her response was "Of course!  I picked up treats for all my grandchildren today!"  All I could do was smile, becasue that's the little things I asked for.  I just want him included in our lives and remembered.  I will never be able to repay my friends and family for continuing to remember my sweet boy.  It may sound silly but it is the single most important thing to me.  


I've lost a child, I hear myself say,
And the person I'm talking to just turns away.
Now why did I tell them, I don't understand.
It wasn't for sympathy or to get a helping hand.
I just want them to know I've lost something dear,
I want them to know my child was here.
My child left something behind which no one can see
So, if I've upset you, I'm sorry as can be.
You'll have to forgive me, I could not resist
I just want you to know that my child did exist.

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