Sunday, October 1, 2017

Weekend Fun

This weekend was a go with the flow type of weekend.  We are always on the go and sometimes we need to chill and recharge!  We even got to see Uncle D and Aunt Gigi and play in target.  Leighton acted shy around the costumes but of course Jean Paul was ready to be the center of attention.  Hmmmm I wonder who he gets that from?????  Maw Maw & I took the kiddos to the library well....... This genius didn't bother to see what time they closed.  So after we got there and got settled we hear over the loud speaker " the library will be closing in 20 minutes" LOL!  Seriously!!!!  All me and mom could do was laugh because it's the story of our lives and especially when we are together.  Half of that 20 minutes was spent cleaning up blood from a minor accident Leighton had with a chair but we all ended up leaving with smiles!  The kids enjoyed the short visit and each got to check out one thing each!  Next we headed to say hey to Pepa at home.  There the kids found their silly pants and put in a show for us that was very entertaining.  Still baffles me that chasing each other around can be so amusing to them.  When we got back home our neighbors we all hanging out so we joined them and played till we were all tired out!!!!  Then this morning we got to celebrate our friend Hayden's 2nd birthday with breakfast!!!  Brent promised the kids after nap we would all go for a boat ride.  And we did but that will require another post cause phew that was an adventure lol!  I truly enjoyed the time we had together this weekend.  We did have a few tears and whines but we got through them!  

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