Monday, October 2, 2017

Wanting A Better World For Them

My heart is so heavy today.  I literally feel myself being consumed with the Las Vegas tragedy.  I have cried on and off all day.  I can not even begin to imagine what any of them are going through or their families.  I can't figure out if this evil is all new or I just lived in a fairy tale world in my mind as a kid.  I wish some times I could go back to thinking like a kid again, where everyone is good and the world is perfect.  I know that is not how it works but I just wish for one day I could feel that again.  And that's where my heart hurts even more.... how do you shelter your children from all of this evil.  It seems to be everywhere we turn.  We aren't even allowed to feel safe in public, on planes or even at church in a way.  I know I can't protect them from everything but I do not want them growing up in a world with this much hate.  Tonight my prayers are with all of the victims and their families.  I couldn't wait to have my babies in my presence this afternoon.  More than ever we need to look to God!  If that is all I can teach my kids through this then that is where I will start!

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