Monday, October 16, 2017

Cool Weather & Blow Outs

Well we finally have some fall weather ya'll!!!!  So I decided to pick up a treat for my babies!  Honestly I was secretly hoping the Blue Monday I had would turn around when I got to see their faces when they saw a special treat.  So fries it was and I drove through "Old McDonald's" and got them each a small fry to celebrate this cool front that came through today!  Well to my surprise Jean Paul was in an interesting ensemble when I arrived at school.  He decided to have a blow which meant he had to wear something in his "extras" drawer lol.  Apparently that drawer has not been updated by me in quite awhile as you can see LOL!!  But it fit just perfectly in with the day I had.  So I just laughed it off and made him pose for pics so that I could document his attire to have for teasing rights later, or bribing whatever I need at the time!!!

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