Friday, October 27, 2017

Today Was Not An Easy Day

"Today is one of those days that I'm getting through one minute at a time."

I visited you today,
I cried while hiding 8 times today,
I prayed for you to watch over me today,
I talked about you today,
I stared at your picture today,
I pretended you were just at daycare today,
I said your name out loud in my car just to hear it today,
I woke up with your blanket in my arms as usual today,
I wondered if you even remember my face today,
I put on your baby lotion just to smell you today,
I looked at your siblings and saw you in their eyes today,
I put on a smile to cover up the pain the best I could today,
I tried to play the strong role today,
I felt extremely lost without you today,
Daddy sent the picture of the sky you sent him today,
I tried to cover up the grief today,
I asked God to help me today,
I yelled "I just need my baby back" when a friend tried to help me today,
I ignored phone calls today,
I sat motionless unable to move today,
I told myself that tomorrow will be better today,
I forced myself to keep going today,
I lied to your sister and told her these were Mommy's happy tears today,
I read your brother one of your books today,
I counted the exact number (1,898) of days you have been gone today,
I watched your videos from your birth just to hear you today,
I wished it didn't hurt this bad today,
I couldn't hide it all as good as I usually can today,
I was reminded of how rare your disease was today,
I questioned why a lot today,
I then wondered why I was chosen to be your Mommy today,
I thanked God for the 7 hours I got to keep you today,
I told myself to remember you were mine for 7 whole hours today,
I beat myself up for being so selfish today,
Today was a hard day, but so is every other day...
I just needed you My Sweet Boy a lot TODAY!

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