Sunday, October 22, 2017

A Hidden Message

Leighton has started bringing home worksheets and color pages from school now!  We have a bin where we keep them because she is so proud of each one.  I know it is ridiculous to save them all but we will just keep adding to her bin and when it gets full I will purge some and keep a few from each year I think.  Also recently she is really into doing artwork with me.  It is a lot of fun to get to see her use her imagination and I love the one on one time we get too.  Sometimes I have to give her an assignment then tend to Jean Paul but I always pop back in here and there to help her.  Well today since it was raining Daddy was home to help with Jean Paul so Leighton & I got to do artwork together for a long time uninterrupted.  We made a ballerina sticker page and glued beads with glitter glue to each letter in her name!  She was even more excited to show it to her Daddy when it was all done.  I hated to just add it to the pile to never really be seen again.  So I started trying to find something we could use to display her artwork in her room.  All of a sudden I knew the perfect thing.  Under her bed I had stored a chalkboard that was made special for her that was used at my baby shower.  My Aunt Gina and Uncle Daryl made a chalkboard from scratch and painted it to match her room so I could hang it for her.  The problem was that the message written in chalk was handwritten by my Aunt Christine who passed away shortly after Leighton was born.  I can vividly remember walking in to my shower before it started and seeing her writing it.  She couldn't decide exactly what to write and even was concerned with the flowers she was adding to the sides.  It simply reads "Welcome to Sarah's Baby Shower", but for some reason I have never been able to bring myself to erase it.  And the reason I never hung it was because it would look silly saying that hanging on her wall lol.   So I have had this chalkboard laying under the bed unused for over 4 years now, but today I new I could use it and not have to erase her handwriting.  So with some ribbon and clothes pins I made it something we can hang Leighton's artwork on!  I absolutely love it!  It is nothing extravagant just a simple board, but when I see it I see so much more than that.  To me it is handmade with love by Leighton's Great Aunt & Uncle and contains something her Great Aunt wrote in her own handwriting for me!  The artwork covers most of it which is the purpose since the message wasn't meant to hang in her room, but the pieces you can see peeping out from behind Leighton's artwork allows me to see just enough of it letting me know what's back there.  

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