Well come Thursday's this Momma is tired!!!!!! Especially with Jean Paul not feeling well the first part of the week then getting his shots, trucking his little booty to Maw Maw's house in the mornings and then getting Leighton in the afternoons and heading back to Maw Maw's to get him and the list goes on and on and on!!!!!!! It's safe to say I have lost my energy as Leighton says! But today was our day for a visit with Bubba to bring him his Halloween treat! Leighton was so excited! If you were ever wondering who buys all those trinkets at the dollar store???? It's a family that visits the cemetery often. It's like a gold mine for us. The kids get beyond excited to pick out things for Braxton! So no matter how tired I was I was not going to change our plans. Once we got there the kids played and ran around a lot. Leighton asked me to chase them.... Well that's once again when I was reminded how tired I am or maybe it's how old I am. I mean when did this happen I can barely keep up with a 3 year old and 1 year old lol. But then again I did touch up my grey hairs with my mascara this morning in the car so why am I so shocked with how old I am??? Well in the end the visit ended up being amazing! I am so excited with how much they love being there, now that they are at this age the visits actually are more than just a little quick stop to say hi! The visits are actually family time! Time with all 3 of my kids! It's a perfect afternoon if you ask me!

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