Wednesday, October 18, 2017

I Pray They Always Know Their Worth

With so much evil in the world and honestly so much pure ugliness all around us I pray my babies always know their true worth.  I hate feeling I have done something wrong when I know in my heart I have not.  But I am the type of person that will question and re question every step I took, every word I said and even every expression I made in order to prove to myself I am a good person.  Nothing hurts more than feeling someone doesn't think you are worthy of being around.  And my Mom always told me to kill people with kindness but sometimes you just can't anymore.  After all my family has been through I sometimes just want to scream "I don't have time for this!"  But there comes a time where you just can not physically or emotionally give anymore of yourself when you do not feel appreciated.  And that is a dark place.  Or at least it is for me.  So I pray that as my kids get older Brent & I can always let them now they are worth so much and have so much to give.  Oh and I pity the fool that ever tells them differently.  One of the most profound moments is my Mom telling me how shy and sweet she was all her life until she had kids.  Cause once you become a Mother you also grow a backbone she once told me.  And let me tell you I have seen her in full Mama Bear mode when she needs to defend her kids LOL!  

Leighton & Jean Paul I pray you always know your worth in this world!  And if you ever start to doubt it please come to me to prove it to you again!

Don't let someone who did you wrong make you think there's something wrong with you.  
Don't devalue yourself because they didn't value you.
Know your worth even if they don't.

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