Sunday, November 26, 2017

And Thats's A Wrap

Well what an amazing weekend we had with our little girl!  We took her to New Orleans for a surprise weekend getaway!  It was way past time for us to give her some undivided attention from Mommy and Daddy!  You always plan on doing it but with life and work and everything else time just slips away from you.  This weekend was not only great for Leighton it was great for Brent and I too!  There were a million and one things we could of been accomplishing at home but instead we left them there because in reality those things will all still be there when we get home.  And if I'm being completely honest I would of never finished everything I had on my to do list anyway lol!  So even though we are sitting in bumper to bumper traffic trying to get back to Lafayette it was worth it!  I can't wait to go through all the pics tomorrow and post about our trip!

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