It is never easy losing a loved one. Even when they have had a long full life doesn't seem to make it any less painful. Yesterday my kids lost a Great Grandmother, I lost a Grandmother In Law, my husband lost a Grandmother and my Mother In Law lost a Mother. Knowing she got to be all of this and a Daughter, Sister, Aunt, Wife and so much more in her lifetime brings a smile to my face. I can only pray I get to be most of these things in my lifetime. I still remember the first time I ever met her with Brent's family at her house in Baton Rouge years ago. Apparently Brent didn't bring many girls to meet his Grandparents as we caught her by surprise when I walked in with them that day lol. She was so cute as she ran to the kitchen embarrassed that she did not have a gift for me. She dug frantically in one of her kitchen drawers and handed me her own garlic press and said please take this. I told her it was ok she didn't have to give me anything I was just as happy being able to meet her finally. She insisted as most Grandmothers do and explained she had at least ten more garlic presses stashed away and wanted me to have this one! A couple of months ago Brent and I did a major decluttering of our house and found that garlic press. I couldn't bring myself to throw it away so we put it aside to give to Mrs Phyllis, my Mother In Law, in case she wanted it! Through the years I have learned a lot about Mrs Menard through spending time with the family and from stories they have told. I can tell you she was a strong willed woman, an avid dog lover, a baby adorer and devoted Mother and Wife. My favorite personality trait I saw in her was her ability to get her way, it was evident even on the first day I met her. I still giggle remembering her pick at Mr Menard whether it be how he let the dogs out wrong or how he didn't react fast enough to her conversation. The main reason this tickles me so much is because I knew I was looking at Brent and I in a mirror. She would speak and her husband would bicker under his breath but quietly and calmly always abide to her requests, which was the sweetest thing ever to me. I know this sounds like a lot of married couples as they age, but they got to do it for many many years which is a blessing in its own. When I hear the lifetime of stories they have gone through together I am extremely moved knowing the love and dedication they must have put into each other and their family over the years. A wife of a man in the service was extremely hard as I can imagine it still is today. But knowing there was no way of communicating the way we do now shows such the purest love story in my eyes. Let alone the normal challenges a woman faces in everyday life. We have known for quite some time that the end was nearing, but yesterday we learned that it may only be hours before she was welcomed into heaven. I was brought to tears when I opened my text to see her frail body peacefully waiting for God to call her home. As I looked at the picture more tears began to fall as I saw Braxton's picture posted next to her hoping to comfort her as he was waiting to meet her. My Mother In Law has always had a very intimate relationship with Braxton, yet private. She shares alot with me when she feels the timing is right, but she carries a closeness with her Angel Grandson all to herself which is so special to me. Right away when she told me she knew Braxton was standing with Grandpa waiting to welcome her at Heaven's Gates I noticed my sweet boys picture. It is the favorite picture still in Mrs Phyllis heart, because it is a picture that was taken while she was holding him and he was staring right into her eyes. Almost like he was memorizing her face for all of eternity. So as a family we all know in our hearts he did meet her when she entered God's home yesterday and for that reason we feel she was not scared at all. We also had to giggle thinking she was holding him constantly, fussing because he did not have socks on his little feet and most likely feeding him mentos by the dozen!!! I pray my in laws know that I love them and hurt for them in this time. It is never easy to say goodbye even when we know it is time. We may not all see each other as much as we may like, but family is family and that is a fact. And if others can't see it by simply knowing the Menard's and seeing them continue through life together hand in hand, through sickness and in health and till their final days then they are not meant to understand what family truly means. But we get it and that's what matters most!

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