Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Day 2 Of Leighton's Surprise Trip

Sunday morning the 3 of us woke up without any alarm clock or kids crying lol.  As soon as Leighton opened her eyes she asked "is it time to leave the hotel already?"  Almost in tears she begged to stay and we told her we all still had to shower and watch cartoons and then when we were ready we had a special breakfast to take her too.  After breakfast we would come back to the hotel to tell it bye bye.  She bought that hook line and sinker and we all started getting ready for surprise day #2!  In between primping and watching cartoons Leighton got some work done, well she called a few people on the hotel phone (unplugged) and even took some very important notes too!  Then the 3 of us headed out for a New Orleans style breakfast.  She thought she was so fancy as we were seated at brunch with a band or the conductor man playing right at our table.  She got her very own Shirley Temple drink and ordered gumbo lol!  As we watched other families enjoying breakfast while juggling multiple kids we couldn't help but giggle.  It is so nice to go out as a family but it is also so exhausting at times too.  For the first time in a long time we got to just sit and talk to Leighton only.  No having to push her to the side or tell her to hold on for just a minute while we tend to Jean Paul.  I know all these things are normal and she is used to them but it is nice to let her know sometimes it is all about her... and that she deserves it to be that way sometimes too!
After breakfast sadly it was time to tell our hotel goodbye.  This is where we had a few tears from Leighton and she asked one last time if our driver would be back soon to pick us up lol.  Brent told her she would need to discuss the whole driver situation with her Pepa when we got back to Lafayette.  Well Pepa did not help matters at all when he started to tear up hearing his Leighton thought she was a real princess.  So there is no telling what he will tell her real life expectations should be like lol.  As we loaded up and she thought our adventure was over we told her Mommy and Daddy had one last surprise for her.  Excited as can be she sat in the back seat staring out the window watching to see where we were headed.  Oh but she did need to reapply lip gloss for the surprise she said!!  Finally we arrived at the theatre for the Peppa Pig Live show, but Leightlol.  Once she kind of understood that we were here to see the REAL PEPPA PIG she hurried us to our seats.  Well that was it now the excited little girl I had envisioned was here and ready to party.  Popcorn and light ups in hand we sat anxiously in our seats while Leighton asked every 30 seconds if Peppa was still getting dressed and if she was coming soon.  While we waited for the show to start we got a surprise message from Pepa (guess you are seeing how Grandpa was changed to Pepa now lol).  He called to tell us that after the show we were invited to the Meet And Greet with Peppa & George backstage!!!!!!!  Once again I can't blame Leighton for feeling like a Princess because this was the exact way I felt growing up.  It may be spoiled but my parents always found a way to make our dreams come true.  For the first time in my whole parenting life I felt what it felt like to see pure awe and excitement in my child's eyes.  In that moment I truly understood how my parents had always gone above and beyond to make my brother and my childhoods larger than life.  I literally thought I was going to cry because I was that excited to be able to experience this with my daughter.  The show was great Leighton was devastated at intermission while we tried to explain to her that it was only half way through lol.  And as she wiggled in her seat I realized she was so scared to miss something that she was frightened to get up and go to the bathroom.  As I hurried her to the restroom I was met by a mile long line of a million and one other kids and moms needing to pee in the 15 minute window they call intermission with 3 stalls thank you very much.  So how do you get a 3 year old to understand that she has to hold it and there is nothing you can do about it lol.  Mom lesson learned..... next time send child with Dad at intermission to pee because logically I'm sure that line was very short LOL.  Most Dad's were either asleep in their chairs or streaming the Saint's game during the show LOL!  So as the show started Leighton made me run back to our seats to be sure to catch it all!  After the show we headed back stage for the Meet and Greet!  Yep you guessed it once again the royal treatment, but honestly any of you who know my Dad.... would you have expected anything less????  By far this was the coolest Meet and Greet I have ever seen.  Games, puzzles, gummies and more all while we waited to take our picture with the Real Peppa Pig!!!  Of course my shy little girl wouldn't go alone, but Mom and Dad were just as excited to pose with her for a picture and as we walked away Leighton asked them to call her when they came back next time LOL.  And that was a wrap for our first ever surprise trip with our daughter.
on still did not know that's where we were.  As we walked in and she saw the souvenir table you could see the wheels turning in her head.  Of course silly me expected dramatic surprise reaction but should of known better because she is Brent's child too
An amazing little girl I learned alot more about this weekend:
- she talks alot more than I thought she did
- she truly seemed happy doing nothing expensive just being with us was pleasing to her
- jumping on a hotel bed ranks high on her fun list
- she does miss her baby brother when he isn't around 
- she is her Daddy's daughter in so many ways (she holds back until she is ready to do something)
- pizza in bed may be her new favorite treat
- she didn't ask for us to buy anything which made me super proud as a Mom
- she still requires a nap whether I want to push her through a long day or not
- we aren't quite ready for Disney lines and characters just yet
- her smile is worth a million bucks
- her time with us is precious and a blessing as she is growing up so fast
- she thinks having a driver is every girls normal routine
- lip gloss is a must for her dates with her Daddy
- snuggling is still her favorite thing to do with her parents
and most importantly that she will remember this trip as much as we will because nothing is more valuable than quality time with the ones you love!!

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