Thursday, November 9, 2017

Happy Babies This Morning

Most mornings are beyond rushed in our house lol.  Then the few times we are ahead of schedule someone usually decides to wake up on the wrong side of the bed whining.  Whether it's the way I did Leigbton's hair or the sippy cup Brent put milk in for Jean Paul we mess it up somehow, someway in their eyes.  Like seriously how can the color of a ponytail holder ruin your morning, and it's hidden under a bow too I must add.  Which means no one will see it and unless Leighton grows eyes behind her head she will not see it all day long either.  And don't you dare open the kitchen cabinet in front of Jean Paul because then poor baby has overload of choice distraction lol.  And lord knows we have a ton of sippy cups.  So we have learned to pour the milk and have it ready on the counter all by itself.  No distraction and he just takes it no drama!!!!  Then we have those mornings that everything just flows..... Like maybe once a month!!!  And we love those mornings.  Today was one of those lucky ones!!!  Jean Paul was all smiles and saying cheese ready for his pic and Leighton was super proud that she finally completed her Big Girl Night Time Potty sticker chart!!!!!  Ohhhhh how I didn't even want to send them to school this morning because we were just having that perfect of a morning!  But knowing I had to I sent them on there way.  But not before both were almost to the end of the driveway and turned completely around to run back to give one more kiss to Mommy.  And that was the icing on the cake for me!!!!!  I love happy mornings so much!!!


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