Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Dancing Queen

Leighton's First Day of Dancing - 2017 @ age 3
Mommy's First Day of Dancing - 1984 @ age 3
Well this Momma is beyond proud.  Tonight we got to see a little of what our dancing queen has been learning at dance class so far.  She has come so far in just a few short months and seems to be leaving her stage fright behind.  The timid little girl who would only sit and watch the others girls dance this summer is now front and center and loving it.  Learning to let her grow on her own was not easy for me but I can tell you I know it was exactly what she needed.  The moment I stopped stressing and making such a big deal about her not wanting to participate and let her go at her own pace is when she started to blossom.  My cheeks actually hurt from smiling so much while watching her dance today.  I may have been just as excited as she was if not more lol.  And I am just as excited to watch her grow more and more.  I never truly understood how wonderful it was to see your child do something they enjoy and love.  I pray she always has love in her heart for anything and everything she wants to try in life, because I will always be here to support her.  
This is only the beginning Leighton Rose..... 
I can't wait to watch you do amazing things for many many years!!!!

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