Monday, November 6, 2017

Teaching Maw Maw To Count

Some days Maw Maw just can't stay away!  But we never complain on those days lol.  The kids were a little bummed to not even be home from school and work before it turned dark tonight.  Leighton was extremely confused and even asked why I was so late.  Poor thing couldn't understand why we didn't have the normal outside time like we usually do.  So through the whining I tried to serve them dinner which was not very successful.  And just as we were close to all having a break down Maw Maw walked through the door.  BAM all smiles!!  She only stayed for about an hour but it was what we all needed for sure.  In that hour we did  puzzles, showed her our artwork from school today, listened to Bubba's song on the radio, ate some toast and taught her how to play our new counting game the kids got for completing a good behavior chart this weekend!!!  So it's pretty safe to say Maw Maw saved the day..... AGAIN!  Even though we only live about 20 minutes apart I still wish it was next door so that we could see her and Pepa all the time.  For now we will just count our blessings that we live as close as we do and we will enjoy the surprise visits as often as we can!!!!  P.S. I needed the visit as much as the kids did!!!

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