Friday, November 24, 2017

Lions And Tigers And Bears Oh My

Today my babies got to go to the zoo with Mimi & Popa!!  They saw lots of animals and even got to ride the train!  Well Leighton and Mimi rode the train while Jean Paul and Popa played on the playground.  Once again there favorite animal to see was the giraffe.  And it seems the icees are still the main necessity when at the zoo lol.  Leighton got to pick out a stuffed animal at the zoo store as she calls it and she has not put it down.  I am so happy they got to have a special day with their Grandparents.  Not only are they spoiled beyond reason but they are also loved way more than we could ever ask for.  Leighton is already planning her next date with them LOL.  Seeing the pics and videos while they were there surely made me smile!  When you can see the happiness in your kids eyes and hear it in their giggles you can't help but be happy!

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