Monday, November 27, 2017

Day 1 Of Leighton's Surprise Trip

All Leighton knew was that she was getting to go on a surprise trip with Mommy and Daddy!  Her only question was if we were going to a hotel?  I honestly think we could of just stayed in the hotel the whole time and she would of thought that was the best surprise ever!  When she woke up in the car we were in New Orleans and the first words out of her mouth were "Wow look at all these hotels!"  First thing we did when we checked in was jump on the bed!  That is the number one rule about hotels per Maw Maw and Pepa and Leighton was sure to remind us that we could do it as much as we wanted lol.  After unpacking and watching some cartoons it was time for Mommy and Leighton to get ready for their date night with Daddy!  She was all about the makeup and primping let me tell you.  I never in a million years thought I would have a little girl, so getting to do these girly things with her is beyond awesome.  Once Daddy said we were pretty and he was ready to head to surprise #1 we headed out on the town.  This is were we may of messed up Leighton's reality of what real life is really like lol.  You see this was all of our first ever Uber experiences, and now Leighton is still waiting on "her driver" to come and pick her up anytime we say we are going somewhere.  Our first surprise destination was City Park another first for even Brent & I.  It was so much fun and even better with all the Christmas lights and decorations up.  As we walked around hand in hand with Leighton I was reminded of how long it has been since I actually got one on one time with her.  As much as we were all missing Jean Paul it was nice to just give her all of the attention and treat her to time with just us.  We rode the train and carousel with no worry about being rushed.  As crazy as that sounds that is something that is a huge gift to me.  I am someone who is always running in a million directions and I can not figure out how to say no and slow down and then in those moments I do get a brief pause to stop my mind doesn't.  So being miles away from any to do lists and focus a hundred percent on Leighton was a blessing.  Even if the lines were long and the crowd was thick it didn't matter we didn't have anywhere else to be and I wouldn't of wanted to be anywhere else anyway!  After City Park we headed back to our hotel for a pizza party.  In our pajamas Leighton and I watched a movie while we waited on our room service.  Finally Daddy delivered our pizza to us and we all three sat in bed and ate.  In between the giggles and smiles we ate.  With towels covering the blankets we acted like we were on top of the world.  Pizza with our girl was the best way to top of our first day of Leighton's Surprise Trip.  And after we turned out the lights and snuggled while we finished our movie Leighton said "I very miss Jean Paul!'  How does your heart not melt.  As much as they pick at each other and go back and forth all day long she felt lost without him.  I told her how much I missed him too and that one day soon Jean Paul would get his own special trip but this time it was all about her.  As we laid there she told me how much she loved me and I watched her as she fell asleep.  After Brent and her were fast asleep I slipped into the bathroom to have a moment to myself.  This is where I let it all out.  The tears would not stop but for the first time in a long time I was sobbing because I was happier than I ever thought I would be.  I never in a million years thought I could physically or emotionally be this tired and then be this happy to be this tired lol.  I don't think Leighton will ever truly understand how much she means to me or how much she truly saved me.  I am still amazed that she is mine and forever grateful to be hers.  When I slipped back into bed I picked her up and laid her on me to hold her.  I didn't care if she woke up it was what I wanted and more than that it is what I needed.  I know I slept with a smile on my face all night as I thanked God for trusting me with her and thinking of the surprise that was coming for Day #2 of Leighton's Surprise Trip!!!

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