Thursday, November 16, 2017

Daily Pics

So if you know me and my family at all then you know we are extremely close.  It's just who we are and who we have always been.  Ever since the day I brought Leighton home my Mom, Dad and Brother have required a daily morning pic and it has continued on even still today almost 4 years later.  Some days are a little challenging but they still get one even if it shows the morning tears or the pic is blurry cause one of the kids just wont stay still long enough for me to snap the pic.  Each morning the pic is followed by good mornings and updates about what we will each be doing that day.  I honestly do not know what I would do without these daily texts because they mean so much to me!!!  Well as always this morning they got their daily pic but this time I couldn't help from laughing as it truly captured both of the kids personalities perfectly!  Leighton, Miss Priss always posing with her sassy self and Jean Paul, constantly worried about anything that has to do with nutrition LOL.  Anytime he has milk he plays with his hair no matter what.  So much that we are a little worried if he keeps it up he will end up bald like his Pepa!  But the most exciting thing about today's daily pic to the family is that Mom succeeded in getting them both in the one shot LOL.  Don't know how we would manage to stay in touch without our iPhone's because between texting pics and face time we are able to share so much!!  So this Momma is begging for a new phone from Santa due to the fact that there is no room on the one I have now and how will I ever keep up our daily pic tradition if I don't have room on my phone to take pics??????

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