Saturday, November 25, 2017

She Loves Her Brothers

Today we woke Leighton up and told her we were packing our bags for a surprise trip just her, Mommy and Daddy!!!  She is perfectly content with knowing we are going to a big hotel in New Orleans and hasn't asked to do anything else lol.  She has no idea that once we get there we have lots of fun things planned for her!!!!  Before we could leave we had to bring Jean Paul to stay with Maw Maw, because he is to small for the surprise trip she said.  I am already feeling so guilty for leaving Jean Paul behind but I truly believe sometimes each kid needs special time with their parents!  But before we left she gave Maw Maw one of his favorite toys and told her to give it to him if he cries for his sister.  And then she went outside and picked a flower to put by Braxton's picture like Maw Maw does!  Made my heart so happy and proud to see her doing loving things for both of her brothers!!  I know she adores then both but it sure is amazing to watch her show it.

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