Sunday, November 5, 2017

This Time Change Got Us

So I have never understood the whole time change thing and kind of always thought people sounded silly when it said it messed with their sleep routines.  That is until I had kids.  It is crazy how it affects them so much.  Last night Mimi and Poppa kept our kiddos so we could host my brother and his fiance's engagement party.  Welllllllll poor things offered to babysit on the time change night LOL.  Jean Paul apparently was up at 3:30 AM and wasn't wanting to hear anything about going back to sleep.  Mimi said they decided to just wake up and read the paper and start the day!  about 2 1/2 hours later after playing and being silly she looked over and saw these two on the couch LOL.  Just like that they were passed out cold.  She was so tickled that he fell asleep like that because she knows that boy does not just sleep anywhere.  Most of all because he never wants to miss anything and will stay awake until he is forced to slow down when we put him in bed.  Our kids love going to Mimi and Poppa's so much.  Not only do they get to play, watch movies and eat good but they usually come home with something new.  I pray they always love their special time with their Grandparents, because that time is so important.  It's also a great feeling knowing they are so loved and having so much fun when we are away!  Oh and they always seem to nap amazing when they return from Mimi and Poppa's house too LOL.  I don't know what it is but today was the same, they both took 3 1/2 hour naps which NEVERRRRRRR happens.  And I can't like Brent and I napped with them since we had such a busy weekend and late night last night followed by an early morning breakfast with some of our family members that stayed in town last night!  Please pray for us that tonight goes smoothly since everyone is off schedule with this silly time change!

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